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Heed These Signs You Need Heater Repair
admin • January 24, 2022
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If temperatures lately have been any indication, we may be one of the sunniest states in the country but our winters still get pretty cold for our tastes! Sure, it’s not snowing outside… but it’s cold enough to necessitate a powerful and efficient heating system.

So what if something is wrong with yours? Do you know what signs to watch for that might indicate something is wrong with yours?

First off, we want to mention the importance of maintenance. If you haven’t already had your professional furnace tune-up done this year, it’s not too late. Maintenance helps your heating system work as effectively and efficiently as possible, for as long as possible. Plus, maintenance helps you avoid up to 85% of the repairs a heater might ever need.

Of course, maintenance doesn’t make your system immune to repair needs, which is why it’s important to know those indicators we alluded to above. Read on to learn a few signs that you might need professional heater repair sooner rather than later.

Strange Noises

Look, there is no such thing as a silent heater! You’re going to hear some noise. You may hear a slight jolting noise as the furnace cycles on, in addition to some gentle rattling coming from the ductwork as it fluctuates with the temperature.

And then of course, you’ll hear the rush of air coming through your home’s vents. What you shouldn’t hear, however, is any new sounds coming from your heater.

This can include a clanking, which can be indicative of a loose component, or a banging sound. A booming noise can be the sound of gas bursting through a layer of grime on your burners… this can be quite bad for the heat exchangers, leading to potential damage and carbon monoxide leaks.

If you hear anything outside of the normal noises that are typical for your heater, it’s time to give us a call.

Higher Than Average Utility Bills

Have you discovered that you seem to be paying more for your energy bills than you ever have in years prior? This is a sign that something in your home is operating inefficiently. It could very well be your heater to blame, as your HVAC systems make up for over half of all your home’s energy use.

Lack of Heating Comfort

Does it seem like no matter where you set your thermostat, you just can’t get it high enough? Something like damaged air ducts or even a dirty system can be to blame since it can prevent your heater from reaching the desired temperature on the thermostat.


Short-cycling is when an HVAC system cycles on and off rapidly, never actually completing a full heating (or cooling) cycle. Your heater should run in 15-minute increments, 2-3 times each hour. If your heater is running in shorter increments than this and/or more thave 2-3 times an hour, then it means it’s time to have your heater checked by a pro!

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